Logo - Grabmale


Abdeckplatten für Gräber

Was macht Grabmale so wertvoll?

In erster Linie sind es die Menschen die dahinter stehen, deren Hände aus Stein Grabmale formen. Die handwerkliche Tradition des Steinmetzes lebt auch heute noch in jedem Grabmal fort.

Es zeichnet sich heute - wie damals - durch handwerkliche Präzision und exklusive Qualität aus. Wir hoffen, dass es uns mit den den Beispielen gelingt, die Schönheit des Natursteins für Sie sichtbar zu machen.

Ein Blick in unsere Ausstellung


if(window.MooTools && !window.jQuery) { var Starratercomments4ward = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { stars: 5, // the number of displayed stars rating:0.0 // this rating is showen onload }, initialize: function(container,currStars,inputField,options){ this.setOptions(options); this.container = container; this.currStars = currStars; this.inputField = inputField; this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); this.inputField.set('value',this.options.rating); this.addBehavior(); }, addBehavior: function(){ this.container.addEvents({ 'mousemove': function(event){ this.currStars.setStyles({'width': this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)}); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'click': function(event){ var rating = this.getRatingByWidth(this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)); this.options.rating = rating; this.inputField.set('value',rating); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }.bindWithEvent(this), }); }, getRatingByWidth: function(width){ return Math.round((width/this.container.getStyle('width').toInt()) * this.options.stars * 100)/100; }, getCurrstarsWidthByCoord: function(xCoord){ return xCoord - this.container.getPosition().x; }, getCurrstarsWidthByRating: function(){ return this.container.getStyle('width').toInt() / this.options.stars * this.options.rating; } }); } else if(window.jQuery) { (function($){ "use strict"; var pluginName = 'Starratercomments4ward', /* Enter PluginOptions */ PluginClass = function() { var selfObj = this, // << $Kompatibilitaetsgruende img = null; this.item = false; this.init = function(elem) { selfObj = this; if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initializing'); this.elem = elem; this.item = $(this.elem); if(this.container !== null) this.container = $(this.container); else { console.error('Warning: Option container is required!'); return; } if(this.currStars !== null) this.currStars = $(this.currStars); else { console.error('Warning: Option currStars is required!'); return; } if(this.inputField !== null) this.inputField = $(this.inputField); else { console.error('Warning: Option inputField is required!'); return; } if(!selfObj.enabled) return; this.loaded(); if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initialized'); }; this.disable = function() { clearTimeout(selfObj.scrollTimeOut); selfObj.enabled = false; }; this.enable = function() { selfObj.enabled = true; }; this.loaded = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.internBefore(); if(selfObj.debug) console.log('Plugin loaded'); selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); selfObj.inputField.val(selfObj.rating); selfObj.container.mousemove(function(e){ selfObj.currStars.css({'width': selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)}); }).mouseleave(function(e) { selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }).click(function(e){ var rating = selfObj.getRatingByWidth(selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)); selfObj.rating = rating; selfObj.inputField.val(rating); }); selfObj.internAfter(); }; this.internBefore = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.before(); }; this.internAfter = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.after(); }; this.getRatingByWidth = function(width){ var rating = Math.round((width/parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10)) * selfObj.stars * 100)/100, decimal = rating.toString().split('.')[1]; if(decimal !== undefined && decimal[0] !== undefined) decimal = decimal[0]; if(decimal === undefined || decimal < selfObj.roundDown) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.floor(rating); } else if(decimal > selfObj.roundUp) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.ceil(rating); } else { decimal = 5; rating = Math.floor(rating); } return rating+'.'+decimal; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord = function(xCoord){ return xCoord - selfObj.container.offset().left; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating = function(){ return parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10) / selfObj.stars * selfObj.rating; }; }; $[pluginName] = $.fn[pluginName] = function(settings) { var element = typeof this === 'function'?$('html'):this; return element.each(function(k,i) { var pluginClass = $.data(this, pluginName), standardOptions = { debug: false, enabled: true, container: null, currStars: null, inputField: null, roundDown: 3.5, roundUp: 6.5, stars: 5, rating: 0.0, after: function(){}, before: function(){}, }, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(!settings || typeof settings === 'object' || settings === 'init') { if(!pluginClass) { if(settings === 'init') settings = args[1] || {}; pluginClass = new PluginClass(); if(settings) standardOptions = $.extend(standardOptions,settings); pluginClass = $.extend(standardOptions,pluginClass); /** Initialisieren. */ pluginClass.init(this); $.data(this, pluginName, pluginClass); } else { return; } } else if(!pluginClass) { return; } else if(pluginClass[settings]) { var method = settings; pluginClass[method](); } else { return; } }); }; })(jQuery); }